Nutritional Affects on Donors and advanced reproduction

Nutritional Affects on Donors and advanced reproduction

High Molybdenum soils inhibit copper. There are ample opportunities to increase reproductive performance of the cows and heifers in the herd who we ask to make one pregnancy at a time, not to mention those valuable donors whom we ask to produce dozens of embryos at a...
Common and Often Controllable Causes of a Failed Flush

Common and Often Controllable Causes of a Failed Flush

We know there is tremendous variability in flush results between donors. According to the American Embryo Transfer Association (AETA) the average viable embryos reported from dairy donors last year was 6.3 per flush. It has been reported that 24% of donors will...
Missing opportunities with your embryo transfer recipients?

Missing opportunities with your embryo transfer recipients?

When breeding elite cattle, it is easy to focus attention on the donor you are going to flush.  Understandably, she’s the individual that has you excited about what you can get from her – embryos to sell, show calves to market, AI bull contracts, outstanding daughters...
History Shines New Light on Recipient Care

History Shines New Light on Recipient Care

Recipient management is probably the most over looked aspect of any embryo transfer program but can probably have the greatest impact on success with a modest financial investment.  There is a new emerging science originating from the human realm, which is now...
Superovulatory Protocol (most notably the set up)

Superovulatory Protocol (most notably the set up)

The superovulation protocol can be crafted to reduce the effects of some of the already discussed causes of a failed flush. For instance, incorporating different types of hormones can increase the ovulation rate in a donor that might normally go cystic as a result of...